Marca Perú
During the last years a chain of events divided Peru as a country, forcing peruvians to focus on individualism to survive and increase social discrimination between different regions.
The brief was increase the empathy and demonstrate that every corner of Peru is part of the same nation.
Branding · Digital Campaign · Transmedia Storytelling
· Insight ·
Sometimes the best way to understand others is by putting yourself in their shoes.
· Idea ·
A transmedia documentary that tells the story of 6 peruvians with distinct backgrounds who had the courage to exchange their lives.
· First Story ·
Carlos Alcántara, a famous actor and comedian, exchanged his life with Hector Huatta, a traditional craftsman from Taquile: an island in the middle of Titicaca lake.
· Transmedia Storytelling ·
Users could find extra content about the characters´ journey on different media channels, increasing the engagement and the curiosity about distinct cultures.
· Second Story ·
The chef of Maido, Mitsuharu Tsumura, exchanged his life with Dana Gaviota, an activist that fights to save Kukama, a language in danger of disappearing.
· Thrid Story ·
The famous musician, Javier Yaipén, exchanged his life with Mario Quico, a rural teacher from a small town over 9,800 f.a.s.l, Cosñirhua – Arequipa.